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Eye Care Tips To Prevent Your Eyes From Drying During The Cold Season

Eye Care Tips To Prevent Your Eyes From Drying During The Cold Season

With the winter season comes dry eyes which lead to itchiness and reddening of the eyes. The dryness in the air causes the eyes to loosen moisture, irritates the eyes, and if not taken care of, could lead to eye infections or cause damage to the surface of the eyes such as abrasion of the corneal surface. Here are some tips you could incorporate to help your eyes from drying.

Wanting to overdo the heating temperature?

Dry, cold winter air is not the only dehydrating factor for your eyes, high temperature set indoors also results in the loss of moisture from your eyes. Hence, maintaining a mild temperature indoors can help in retaining a good amount of moisture in your eyes.

Is adding a humidifier to your space only fancy?

Introducing a humidifier sounds good. This will let you have a warm temperature inside without the loss of moisture from the air and hence, will protect your eyes from drying to a greater extent.

Getting tempted to get closer to the heater?

The warmth one receives on being very near to the heat source is alluring, but will lead to your eyes getting dry. So, being at a distance from them could help your eyes retain moisture.

Are you blinking enough?

In today’s era when screen time has become so high and often while focusing we blink less causing the eyes to dry out. Blinking more will lubricate the eyes by increasing the formation of tears. Follow the 20:20:20 rule i.e. looking at something at least 20 feet away for a minimum of 20 seconds, every 20 minutes. This will also give your eyes some rest.

Do you get tempted to rub your itchy eyes?

In winter often your eyes get itchy because of the chilly & dry environment that is impacting your eyes, which tempts you to rub your eyes vigorously but doing so, can lead to bacterial or viral infection and can cause conjunctivitis or other eye problems. Instead, splash some water into the eyes or rub ice to calm the itchiness.

How could we forget diet?

Diet is an utmost part of most things. Consumption of cold water fish such as tuna, mackerel, etc will help your eyes to retain moisture and provide lubrication for your eyes to get through the dehydrating condition. Cold water fishes are packed with omega-3 essential fatty acids that lead to the retention of moisture by the eyes.

Are you hydrating yourself enough?

Keeping yourself hydrated will help your eyes to get through the cold season. Drinking a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day is recommended.

Do lubricating eye drops or artificial tears help?

If you suffer from chronic dry eyes, an eye expert will put you on lubricating eye drops or artificial tears for moistening your dry eyes. They are a concoction of oil, water, and mucus and help in managing the rapid evaporation of moisture from your eyes.

Wearing protective eyewear can help too!

Wearing a safety shield protects eyes from dry air.

The position of your computer screen plays a role.

Placing your computer screen below your eye level will not let you open your eyes widely. Therefore, slows the evaporation of tears from your eyes.

Does smoking affect?

People tend to smoke more during winter. Quit smoking, no matter the season. Smoke worsens dry eye symptoms.

If you suffer from dry eyes or you are facing any eye issues consult Nidhi Eye Hospital, Agra, a super specialty eye hospital. Dr. Ashok Kumar is one of the most renowned ophthalmologists with 18+ years of experience. Book an appointment today!

To know more about it, you can visit
19F|52|1 Janta Colony, Shahganj, Agra, Uttar Pradesh-282010
0562-4301773, +91 94580 23764

Eye Care Tips To Prevent Your Eyes From Drying During The Cold Season

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